copper c31600 chile

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German-Chilean consortium investigates new ways of

202281 · As the world's largest copper exporter, Chile is encountering a growing number of sulfur-based ore layers containing toxic arsenic in its copper mines. Conven


- C31600 Alloy

- C31600 Alloy. Home. Resources. Alloy Properties & Uses. Copper Alloys Search - Advanced. Find suppliers for this alloy. C31600 Leaded Commercial Bronze

Density lb/cu in. at 68°F: 0.32

COPPER ALLOY No. C31600 | Alloy Digest | ASM Digital

198071 · Abstract. Copper Alloy No. C31600 is a free-machining copper-zinc-lead-nickel alloy with moderate strength and good ductility. It has fairly good electrical


Chile - Mining - International Trade Administration